Trial Guides Best-Selling Author Jesse Wilson Presents


In "The Most Important Juror: Embrace the Winning Story in Jury Selection, Opening Statement, and Rebuttal," nationally recognized trial consultant, Jesse Wilson, delivers a transformative guide to courtroom storytelling, rooted in his acclaimed victim to victor approach. Together with some of the country’s top trial lawyers, Jesse teaches how to:

“Embrace the Suck”- Transform discomfort into a tool for trust, authenticity, and connection with jurors.

Stop saying “Good Morning” - Create trust with jurors from the first moment of jury selection.

Deliver powerful mini-openings that captivate and connect with jurors, confront and reframe biases, and inspire action.

Balance storytelling science with the art of emotional connection.

Discover how to “seed and harvest” the moral argument throughout trial, culminating in a powerful and compelling conclusion.

Strike the perfect balance between creating safety and delivering an “edge of the cliff” feeling that demands attention.

Discover why your opening statement isn’t always about the defendant’s story — and why it sometimes must be.

Packed with transformative insights and authentic communication tools, The Most Important Juror will help you craft compelling stories, create powerful rebuttals, and maximize justice for your clients. This is your guide to becoming not just a better lawyer, but a masterful director, storyteller, and a force of nature in the courtroom.

“I have read Jesse’s books, and I work with him. Why? Because he and I are aligned in our core beliefs about what juror’s respect and reject. Americans respect people who buck up and reject those who give up. The quickest way to lose is by whining. Jesse’s first book was about taking the whimpering out of plaintiffs. Now he is helping lawyers carry that victor’s message from the beginning of trial to the end. I will be telling all of our lawyers to read it.”

– Keith Mitnik
Senior Trial Counsel for Morgan & Morgan, best-selling Author of Don’t Eat The Bruises, and Deeper Cuts, Host of The Art of Outsmarting podcasts and in person national events

Nicholas Rowley

This beautifully written masterpiece is an absolute must read. Its humble teachings align with my personal experiences and many hours working with Jesse Wilson that began over ten years ago. Working on our 'self,' 'ego,' 'identity,' and 'role' in a jury trial is something we all need to work on. Doing this essential work and following Jesse's lessons and techniques might prove to be your lost key that will open doors to victories you never imagined possible.

Nicholas Rowley Coauthor of Trial by Human and Voir Dire and Opening Statement

Mel Orchard

Jesse writes the same way he teaches, with passion and elegance. I have watched this incredibly gifted actor, teacher, and now jury consultant, for a decade change the way lawyers tell stories--awakening the dead and dull courtrooms of America. Jesse is a walking laboratory of ideas and energy.... We work to unlearn the didactic cold thinking of law school. Jesse wears none of those shackles. This book is necessary reading if lawyers desire something more than reading an argument from a computer screen or walking through, or hiding behind, the drudgery of a PowerPoint presentation. By seeing the victor in my clients, I see the victor in everyone. Jesse is a big part of that growth.

Mel Orchard Governor to the American Association of Justice and member of the Inner Circle of Advocates

Minh Nguyen

This is a higher-level book for young and seasoned trial lawyers who want to elevate their advocacy skills and to prepare clients to testify. So often our clients, and even us experienced trial lawyers, get sucked into the victim's role and lose sight of what makes a compelling story. Jesse shifts the victim's paradigm to the victor's role using words and structure. Jesse has added to the richness of trial advocacy literature to help people win in court.

Minh Nguyen Founder and trial lawyer at Nguyen Lawyers, ALC; Consumer Attorneys Association of Los Angeles 2023 President (2022 President-Elect); and instructor at Gerry Spence Method at Thunderhead Ranch

John Sloan

I have had the pleasure of working with Jesse Wilson on several occasions. I knew about his effective strategies for storytelling in the courtroom. I knew that he is a fabulous teacher. I knew that he is a great communicator. What I didn't know is that he has the rare ability to write about what he does and make it so understandable and compelling. This is a book that I will keep nearby and refer to often as I prepare my cases for trial. It is that good. It is the best book I have ever read about telling the story of our client's case. I recommend it to you all. Thank you, Jesse.

John Sloan President of The Trial Lawyers College, tried over 150 cases to a jury verdict, ABOTA member, and on the board of regents of the Academy of Truck Accident Attorneys

Eric Fong

We, as trial lawyers, inherently want to focus on how injured our client is and the bad conduct of the defendant. The way to the jury's heart includes a message of hope and inspiration. Jesse tackles this conflict and challenges the traditional teachings of the trial lawyer, capturing hope and inspiration's elusive magic. An evolution in how plaintiffs' lawyers must frame a case, Witness Preparation: How to Tell the Winning Story includes practical tips and guidance in a missing link to the current model of how we try cases.

Eric Fong Achieved the largest compensatory damages verdict for one person in Washington State history ($91,000,000), and instructor at Trial Lawyers College

Vicki Slater

This book is a must read for trial lawyers. Through thirty years of trying cases and over twenty years of teaching trial advocacy techniques to the plaintiff's bar, I have been on a quest to figure out how to bring a case to trial in a way that evokes the healing art that justice is meant to be, and I believe that Jesse Wilson has hit on it in Witness Preparation: How to Tell the Winning Story. Jesse's method is healing for the client, empowering for the advocate, and clarifying for the hearer and trier of fact. I have personally used his methods and I know many of America's most successful lawyers swear by these methods. May you read this book, and may you find power and courage and justice at the end of each day that you seek it.

Vicki Slater Trial Lawyers College faculty, recipient of the Mississippi Association for Justice Lifetime Achievement Award, and former president of the Mississippi Trial Lawyers Association


For Trial Lawyers

“Tell The Winning Story’s” jury trial consulting helps prepare you, your witnesses, and your trial team with the most persuasive approach to your case and help you craft the best strategy to connect, motivate, and persuade your jurors to take action.

For Business Leaders & Sales Teams

A breakthrough experience helping business leaders discover your authentic voice and deliver emotionally connected conversations and presentations to “audiences” of one or a thousand.

For Personal Transformation

What does a breakthrough communication experience look like? The Tell The Winning Story: Lessons From The Stage workshops are designed for you to Reclaim and Reignite Your Empowered Story. Welcome to the stage.


Join Jesse's Free private Facebook community “Write, Tell, Live in Story” where you can learn the art and science of powerful storytelling and presentations, and sharpen your skills in conversation with like-minded devotees of the craft.
Jesse Wilson


Attorneys! Ready to elevate your trial skills and super-charge your results? Get on my TTWS newsletter to receive simple yet powerful communication tips and first dibs on upcoming CLE workshops, seminars and events delivered to your inbox. Sign up now and receive a free chapter excerpt from my new book "Witness Preparation: How To Tell The Winning Story" from Trial Guides.

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