Removing the Mask
Origins of Tell The Winning Story

Welcome to the stage.
I am a teacher of what I call a breakthrough communication experience through Authentic Human Connection and Strategic Storytelling. When you bring these two key elements together, what you have is what you need to motivate, move, and inspire your audience to action- whether you are a lawyer or business leader.
Human connection without the right story is like flying with one wing of a plane. And a story without human connection is like the difference between a great production of Hamlet and a crap production. The words don’t change. It’s the performance that makes the difference.
It’s you.
What are you bringing to the stage?

In 2011, my life dramatically pivoted as I began working with inmates in prisons across Colorado… fortunately, as a guest. Using the lessons of the stage in a theater-behind-bars I co-developed after graduating from The Juilliard School in New York, I had the privilege of helping men and women them tell their stories and make powerful changes in their lives.
Definition of irony?
This experience with inmates formed the foundation of Tell The Winning Story.
You could say I found my voice as a teacher helping others drop their masks and finding their voice.
In the faces of inmates, I realized they too were wearing false masks to hide the struggle and pain of their own lives. My job was to help them drop their own masks and confront the demons that were holding them back from showing up at their greatest level on this planet.

My life’s purpose is to help people awaken to the reality of who they are at their core, once they drop their mask. I call this “Living Your Greater Story”.
This is how I help people make their breakthroughs in communicating at their greatest level possible.
As a communications specialist, best-selling author from Trial Guides, and jury trial consultant who has gone on to help trial lawyers across the country achieve record winning verdicts , Tell The Winning Story is a success tool for Lawyers, Leaders, Veterans, Athletes, Artists, Teachers, Entrepreneurs, and all who defy titles looking to give their peak performance in every area of their lives.
Every day, at every moment, we are on stage. And every moment is an opportunity to remove your mask.
I have applied these breakthrough communication skills in courtrooms and boardrooms across the country, and have studied how breakthrough communication through the power of story can affect audiences in extremely powerful ways when the presenter is tuned into their greatest source of authentic power and living their own greater story.
I can’t wait to help you and your team reach your greatest potential as a powerful communicator.
Are you ready to step onto the stage?
It’s your life.
Live it, fiercely.
You’re the only one who can.
Everyone has within them a greater story...when you remove the mask, you set the stage for your greater story to begin.