1-Day TTWS CLE Virtual Workshop
With Jesse Wilson - Communications Specialist & National Jury Trial Consultant
Telling The Right Story In Trial Is Knowing Who Your Client Really Is... and How Your Jurors Need To See Them
When it comes to trial, most plaintiffs and defendants will painfully cast themselves in the wrong role they believe the jury needs to see them as. Why? Because they are “the victims.”
This is the wrong role and that’s 100% on you – the director, storyteller, producer, trial lawyer – to cast your client in the right role. That role is always as the victor.
Being “stuck in the wrong role” will often be the difference between winning and losing your case.
Your job is to remove the mask for who your client really is at their core. When you do this, in turn you remove your own mask for who your jurors need to see you as, and you set up a more powerful damage model. Don’t get caught in the Victim Trap yourself…it’s easier than you think.
Jesse Wilson will introduce you to cutting edge techniques (such as The 4 Steps of The Stage and The Crossroad) from his book “Witness Preparation: How To Tell The Winning Story.”

About Jesse Wilson
Jesse Wilson is a communications specialist, author, and jury trial consultant. A Juilliard theater graduate, after thirty years of working in the world of theater, he has created Tell the Winning Story to empower trial lawyers to deliver high-impact presentations, as well as rapidly transform their communication and collaboration skills to effectively prepare clients and witnesses to testify. Jesse was inspired to create Tell the Winning Story after co-developing a theater-behind-bars program for inmates. The program helped inmates make powerful changes in their lives. Jesse’s hands-on training is featured in his seminars, law-firm retreats, intensives, small-group workshops, and webinars. Jesse is the author of “Witness Preparation: How To Tell The Winning Story” recently published from Trial Guides. Jesse lives in Colorado Springs with his wife, Branda, his son, Nick, and Rocky, the ultimate underdog.