Trial Guides Best Selling Author
Jesse Wilson

Witness Preparation


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“This beautifully written masterpiece is an absolute must-read. Its humble teachings align with my personal experiences and many hours working with Jesse Wilson that began over ten years ago. Working on ‘self’, ‘ego’, ‘identity’, and ‘role’ in a jury trial is something we all need to work on. Doing this essential work and following Jesse’s lessons and techniques might prove to be your lost key that will open doors to victories you never imagined possible.”

-Nicholas Rowley, coauthor of Trial by Human and Voir Dire and Opening Statement

Jesse Wilson, Jury Trial Consultant, Communications Specialist and Trial Strategist will guide you to victory to win more cases.

  • Learn to cast your client, yourself, and adverse witnesses in the most effective roles.
  • Master the art of discovering, developing, and delivering compelling testimonies during depositions and trial.
  • Maximize your trial outcomes by skillfully creating and presenting the WINNING STORY.

The best-selling Trial Guides book introduces a game-changing approach. Discover how to apply Jesse Wilson’s Victim-to-Victor strategy, which emphasizes embracing a narrative of triumph instead of dwelling on your clients as mere victims.

The insights and techniques presented in this book are derived from real-life experiences collaborating with trial teams in a wide range of cases, including wrongful death, trucking, criminal, civil, and various brain injury cases.

Learn a transformative process that will enable you to extract the most compelling testimony from your witnesses. Wilson, in addition, introduces you to witness-preparation and case-framing tips used by successful trial lawyers nationwide, which have resulted in numerous significant verdicts.